How to Increase Online Sales: 11 Best Ways

Easy Wiki
6 min readJul 1, 2021

The primary objective of businesses, small and large, is to increase sales online. No matter what size of business you own or manage, generating sales through online channels is like getting a strike; it seems easy but isn’t.

There are several ways of increasing sales online, most of which can be implemented right away. Today most people are on social media. As a matter of fact, Talk to Your Prospects on Social Media. Most big brands worked with celebrities and influencers to connect more with their target market and consumers.

Several of these suggestions are designed to teach you specific strategies you can use, while others cover more general themes. As you’ll see in this blog post, we’ll be looking at 11 ways you can use to increase online sales performance, regardless of whether you sell physical goods or offer a service.

Send a follow-up email to customers.

In 2020, HubSpot conducted research that revealed 99 percent of people check their e-mail every day. In other words, most people check their emails every single day. Use these methods to follow up with customers through their emails, especially with new customers. The vast majority of customers want more personalized service from their favorite brands.

Develop Online Sales with Mobile Optimization.

Image by Niek Verlaan

In essence, mobile optimization involves adjusting your website content to ensure that mobile visitors have an optimized experience when they access your site via a mobile device. Users can easily access optimized content across desktop and mobile devices.

The majority of successful websites, including Amazon, optimize their websites not just for desktops and tablets but also for mobile devices. The majority of people carry their phones with them all the time. Provide mobile visitors with an easy way to shop.

Encourage an Opt-in Pop-up offer to make them shop more.

In the same way, promotions work through pop-ups. Most pop-up ads in online advertising disrupt a visitor’s experience, but promotional pop-up ads offer relevant content to keep them engaged throughout their visit. A pop-up window can be your best tool when people have short attention spans.

A pop-up advertisement such as a newsletter, mailing list, discount coupon, or voucher. In addition to enhancing your mailing list, it can also lead to direct sales.

Create detailed buyer personas and target them.

Know your target market or customer. Location, degree, job description, and marital status can all be considered. There is a website that does this tracking and knowing your customers. It also allows you to personalize your site for each customer.

Proof — Increase Online Sales & Conversions With Personalization

Don’t forget to give your customers discounts, free shipping, or even free products.

Freebies — what’s not to like? Any discount, promo, free shipping, or free product can make your customer feel special. The gesture is a way to say thanks for patronizing your product, as well as to reward them for it. Even the customers are astonished whenever a mall has a SALE, so you might as well offer them one! As well as benefiting the product, it can also improve the customer experience.

You might also want to consider advertising on Gmail.

Yes, ads directly to their email inboxes. 99% of people open their emails every day, so it would make sense to use this advertising platform.

These Google Ads appear in your inbox’s Promotions and Social tabs and can be interacted with. There are some ads that can be expanded. Clicking on one of those ads may expand it just like a regular email. Images, videos, and embedded forms can be included in the expanded ad.

Make sure your product images are of high quality

When customers see a picture of your product, it will be more appealing and enticing to them. Ensure it is in high definition and as clear as possible. Provide them with a visually appealing shopping experience that will encourage them to buy or purchase the product. Who wants to see a blurry picture, right?

Reduce the checkout process and provide a variety of payment options

Do not make them sign up for numerous forms during the check-out process, or worse, make them start over from zero. Allow them to pay and empty their cart easily.

Also, let them choose from as many payment options as possible. The most popular payment methods are credit cards, but there are also new ones, like PayPal and Payoneer. They can easily cash out and shop more because it’s easy.

Reduce the number of choices on your website.

Adding more products to your homepage may lead to more sales, but the more things a customer has to choose from, the harder it is to make a decision. Shoppers tend to search for a product, but if they are offered a lot, they sway away and do not buy. Consider limiting the products you offer or introducing a category.

Show testimonials from customers and trust signals.

People tend to look at the reviews of a product first when buying it. The reason for this is the numerous false claims made by products nowadays. Customers’ testimonials and reviews can help build trust among potential customers. It is one way to encourage people to buy their products if they see someone is satisfied with them or uses them.

Finally, BE HONEST about your products.

Photo by Magda Ehlers

Some companies use false claims and advertising to promote their brands. By being HONEST with your brand and product, you will make your brand trustworthy. Your product becomes more trustworthy this way. While it is easy to make a profit or sell a false product, it can’t have a returned sale when people start using it and aren’t satisfied with it.

Enhancing your website can be accomplished with many tools. Creating an easy customer experience can lead to increased sales. They will be more likely to cash out if it is easier to shop for them and extremely user-friendly.

